Tuesday, October 21, 2014


This Thursday at the Freed Center at Ohio Northern is opening night of Company the musical!  This will be my first appearance in a musical here at ONU, which is super exciting for me!  We have worked so hard for the past month in a half to put this show together and in my opinion, it has evolved into an incredible piece of work.  This production has given me an incredible opportunity to observe, learn and grow as an actor.

Our director Brian Phillips and music director Michael Jordan have brought out the best in our cast and continue to help us after each run-through.  I feel very fortunate to have the please of working with these talented directors and fellow castmates in my first musical production here at Ohio Northern.

This production has definitely been a very challenging and demanding process for all of us involved, but we know it will surely be worth it in the end.  As nervous I am about this upcoming weekend, I could not be more excited to show the audience all that we have worked for to make this production happen.  I could not be more proud of what this show has become. Come see this fantastic show!

For more information and ticket pricing on Company, visit the ONU Freed Center's website:


  1. Lani, I was able to see Company on Opening Night and I was thoroughly impressed! Well, I am always blown away at how talented our Musical Theatre majors here at ONU. It was apparent that the cast and crew worked very hard on this production. Your take on "Another Hundred People" was fantastic! Bravo!

  2. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to this show, but I have heard very good things about the show! I'm hoping to be able to catch a few shows before the end of the school year. Good luck in future shows!

  3. Kelly,
    I am so glad you got to see the show! It makes me feel so good when people appreciate the work we put onstage. I love to do what I do because of the responses like yours. :)
    Thank you!

  4. Anna,
    I am sorry you could not make it to the show, but if you have time, I would definitely try to see a few this year! People put in a ton of work on these productions and they turn out fantastic!
