Monday, October 13, 2014

My Thoughts on Random Seasonal Breaks in College

College Students most definitely NEED a fall break.

Half way through the first semester is usually the breaking point for most college students.  This is the period of time full of midterms, homesickness, and straight up exhaustion.  For freshman, they have spent the past few months trying to adjust to the college life and are probably craving their homes, families and high school friends.  This is also the point in the semester where all of the restless nights of studying and busting out assignments finally catch up to you.  In order for colleges to get the most out of their students, it is a MUST to give students time to rest, relax and rejuvenate.

I am very thankful to go to a college that gives students and faculty a fall break.  This past Saturday, I was able to drive 4 hours to go home to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.  Since this is a trip I do not get to take very often, when I do have the opportunity to do so I try my best to enjoy every second I have at home.  Even if students do not live close enough to drive home for a break, it is still nice to have that extra time to go home with friends, or accomplish things you don’t always make time for on a typical weekend.

As much as I love being home, it does get rather boring at times.  All of my siblings are older than me and living out of town, so when I am home it is often just my parents and me hanging out.  Most of my friends left home to go to college and we usually are not lucky enough to have breaks at the same time.  My fall break doesn’t get much more exciting than watching TV on my couch, getting home-cooked food, visiting people here and there and going shopping.  During the winter and summer breaks, I must admit that I want nothing more than to go back to school, live independently and see all of my college friends.  I also even look forward to starting my classes, which doesn’t happen for me too often.  However, I think this time to waste away as a couch potato and catch up on homework is much needed in the long run.  It makes the busy-bees like me realize how much we enjoy the crazy, hectic lifestyles we live at college.

Breaks also give students the opportunity to travel.  Last spring break, I used my week of to go home with one of my college friends to San Diego.  With all of our busy schedules in the summer, it would have been difficult to take a week off from summer jobs or internships.  Spring break is also, once again, the break we need in that point of the semester.
Here’s some advise for college students:

USE YOUR BREAKS WISELY!  If you have a lot of work to tackle in the next few weeks, take this time to get some stuff done so you’re not as stressed out when the assignments are due and the tests are coming up.  Also, if there are some friends you have the opportunity to see when your home from school, go see them.  Catching up with old friends that you don’t get to see or talk to very often lets them know that you still care.  Lastly, spend as much time as you can at home with your family.  Learn to appreciate the little things in life, like watching movies with your dog, or eating a home-cooked meal, or playing Scrabble with your parents.  You will soon realize these are the things you will truly miss in college.  After all, home is where the heart is.


  1. Great observations, Lani, especially the last three sentences. Beauty is in our lives every day in every place and yet we often miss out on it due to the clutter and noise of our everyday life. Breaks are great for rediscovering that beauty that reaches your soul. Best wishes to a successful year!

  2. Thanks for sharing your insight, Lloyd! I definitely find myself getting so caught up in all of the activities and schoolwork I am invested in that I don't always find the time to enjoy the little things in life. I will definitely keep this in mind when things start to get hectic. :)

  3. Elena, I also thoroughly enjoy Fall break, or any break for that matter! Breaks seem to come at the best times. They're just long enough into the semester and enough to keep me going until the next one!

    I always tell myself that I will get some school work done over break, but unfortunately it doesn't happen. And I don't think that's always a bad thing. Since Fall break is just two days, I think it's justifiable if you don't complete any school work during that time. I'm glad you had a good time on your break, it's almost time for Thanksgiving!
