Sunday, December 7, 2014

Measure What Matters Book Review

As you have probably noticed, I have been blogging once a week this semester about our assigned readings for Social Media Principals class.  This week, I have finally finished all all of the required reading for the class and could not be more thrilled!  All though I didn't mind some of the readings, most of them were hard to get through and consumed much of my time.  As the semester is dwindling down, I realized how much I learned from the four books we read for this class.  However, now that I am finished, it is nice to not have to worry about reading continuously until my eyes fall out of my head!

The last book that we finished, Measure What Matters, discusses the importance of relationships with the key audience of a company: building, managing and of course, measuring.  Measurement takes the totals of a company, analyzes what these totals mean, and use them to improve the practice.

This book teaches us to measure for multiple benefits:
  • Data driven decision making saves time and money
  • Helps allocate budget and staff
  • Gain a better understanding of the competition
  • Strategic planning
  • Measurement gets everyone to agree on desired outcome
  • Measurement reveals strengths and weaknesses
  • Measurement gives you reason to say no
Throughout the book, we learned about the importance of measurement in order to create or maintain a successful organization.  Although there was some valuable information in this book, I believe much of it was very repetitive and annoying to read.  However, I believe it was a good required reading for our Social Media Principals class because it was very relatable in terms of Public Relations.  If you are interested in the Public Relations field, I would most likely recommend this book.  I must warn you, though, the tedious and repetitive text is a struggle to get through.

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