Monday, September 22, 2014

Thoughts of a 20-year-old

As the clock strikes midnight tonight, it will officially be my 20th birthday!  As happy as this day is for me, it also forces me to look back on my life and reminisce on memories, accomplishments, mistakes and every moment, person, place or relationship that has made an impact on my life.

Knowing that I will no longer be a teenager after tonight is a thrilling yet terrifying experience.  Most people (especially college students) look at age 20 as a year’s countdown to the big 21.  I have to admit that I, too, look forward to my 21st birthday and being able to drink legally and go to bars and all that fun stuff, but I also view being 20 as a new milestone in my life.

We often count in groups of 10.  When we are learning to count as young children, we get excited when we reach the numbers that are multiples of 10.  There are 10 commandments in the Bible.  I would say 10 individuals in a group usually make up a decent group.  10 is a powerful number.  In my mind, I like to think years 1-9 marked the first chapter of my life, as years 10-19 marked the second chapter.  Now, as I am so close to crossing chapters 1 and 2 out of my book of life, I could not be more excited to see what chapter 3 has in store for me.

When you have a birthday coming up, keep this in mind as you look at the year ahead:  Everything you have done and seen in thus far has led you to be the person you are today.  All of those memories you look back and smile at, all of those goals you set for yourself and finally accomplished (even if it took longer than you hoped), all of those mistakes you bounced back from and were able to learn from have made you the person you are today.  All you have left to do now is take those significant moments and add to them in the next chapters of our life.  Make more memories, set more goals and make more mistakes.  Ultimately, your book of life will only get as exciting as you wish.  Make this chapter a good one. ;)

1 comment:

  1. First, happy birthday!!!
    Second, I truly hope you are able to accomplish any goals you set for your year. Birthdays are always a good way to look back at your year and make improvements for the next one.
    Good luck and have fun!!
