Friday, August 29, 2014

Don’t Judge a College Student by their Major.

When I graduated high school and told people I was going to school as a musical theatre major, it was and still is typical to get some pretty bizarre reactions.

The worst was the follow up questions: What do you want to do with that? So you want to be on Broadway? Why do you have to go to Ohio to do that?  As it turns out (to many people’s disbelief,) my ultimate goal actually is to be on Broadway.  I came to Ohio Northern University because it has a pretty well recognized Musical Theatre program and I felt that it fit my college/education needs.

A friend of mine in high school once sent out a tweet saying that majoring in the arts is a complete waste of money because it is nearly impossible to get a job after graduating.  Although it is rather challenging to get a job as a performer and is a very risky/unstable career, he had no right to tell me that my creative field is the wrong route in my career path.  No investment in education is EVER a waste.  No matter what major, especially for actors, every experience is beneficial and our education in college is certainly values.  Just because we are passionate in creative, less academic fields, we should not be belittled for being courageous and following our dreams.

My point is this: just because someone has what some people may think is a “blow-off major,” it is important to realize that we work just as hard, in not harder than students with other majors.  Although some majors have amore difficult time finding jobs right out of college than others, we all still have an ultimate goal that can be achievable with the right attitude and work ethic.  Just because we may not be spending hours studying in the Pharmacy building or have a billion math problems for homework, our major is still academically demanding and challenging and also involves endless hours in rehearsals and shows.

The lesson to be learned here: don’t judge a college student by their major, because you never know exactly what they are really going through unless you walk a day in their shoes.